It’s high time to tighten air standards?

    The Council and the European Parliament agree that it is high time to tighten air standards. As of October 2023, work has been underway on a new law that will establish EU air quality standards for 2030, aligned with global WHO guidelines.

    What does this mean for authorities and local governments? The need to embark on a path to radically reduce pollution levels. The permissible level of fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) is to be reduced by more than half. It’s not everything. The regulations explicitly include the right to compensation in the event of violation of EU air quality regulations.

    The revised directive will also ensure that action is taken to achieve cleaner air. If pollution levels in the coming years are higher than the new 2030 standards, Member States will need to analyze whether they are on track to comply with the rules on time and, if necessary, take measures and ensure compliance in 2030.

    The most harmful substances in the air are particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide and ozone. Pollution also harms the environment, causing acidification, eutrophication and damage to forests, ecosystems and crops. We already have tools and systems that will help ensure air quality in Polish cities, parking lots and tunnels. These are the #Pamares and #FDRS systems, developed by our partners – StaticAir. Pamares takes care of dust reduction in cities, FDRS in tunnels. Both systems have already been proven in European and Asian metropolises. Evidence? In the Dutch Kiltunnel and Victory Boogie Woogie tunnels, where the StaticAir system was installed, dust reduction is 57% and 60% respectively. We are also working on our own solution, installed, among others: on buses, which turns them into city vacuum cleaners. It eliminates pollutants emitted not only from buses, but also from other vehicles in motion.

    Check us out – we are ready for tests with local governments today. In the photo – Pamares devices in action in the city, and in the link there is information about FDRS – an air purification system in the tunnel.

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