Fine Dust Reduction System

    The problem of air pollution in tunnels will remain even when combustion cars disappear from our roads? Yes, but we have a solution.

    Today, emission standards are becoming more stringent around the world. Therefore, more and more attention is paid to emissions of particulate matter, unrelated to exhaust gases. This includes, among others: particles from abrasion of tires, road surfaces and brake pads. That is why the #FRDS air purification system used in tunnels is recognized, among others, by: in the Netherlands.

    FDRS was developed by our partner – the Dutch company StaticAir. We are the exclusive distributor of StaticAir in Poland. Together, we can ensure that every tunnel in Poland – and there are more and more of them – is clean and does not emit particulate matter into the environment.

    FDRS (Fine Dust Reduction System) captures particulate matter in the full range from PM 0.1 to PM 10 in each tunnel. FDRS guarantees particulate matter reductions of at least 55% in both new and existing road tunnels. Research confirms this – in the Dutch Kiltunnel and Victory Boogie Woogie, where the StaticAir system was installed, dust reduction is 57% and 60%, respectively.

    Regardless of whether you build a tunnel or manage it, you have an influence on the air its users breathe. And what comes out of the tunnel. More information about our #smartcity products:


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